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Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Investment Properties - a guide to investing in real estate

Investment Properties - a guide to investing in real estate.

Stuart Hunter of Hunter Partners Accountants is hosting this seminar that attempts to cover the process of, and issues faced by real estate investors through the process from acquisition to the eventual sale.

In our role as accountants we often come accross areas where clients have made innocent errors that have had a negative impact (sometimes serious) upon their tax and financial affairs through a lack of knowledge. By holding this seminar we are attempting to provide information about many of the traps purchasers of investment properties face so that the attendees do not make these errors going forward. By lifting investors general knowledge we are encouraging them to be aware if they are getting into an area that may have tax and financial consequences, this will enable to call their accountant (if they are not sure what to do) and will then prevent them from making an error that potentially may have serious consequences.

The seminar covers the issues that need to be considered in the period leading up to the initial acquisition of the investment property through to the eventual disposal of the real estate investments. These issues cover how real estate should be held, borrowing considerations and tax issues surrounding the eventual sale or disposal of your investment property.

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Investment Properties - a guide to investing in real estate
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Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Investment Properties - a guide to investing in real estate

Investment Properties - a guide to investing in real estate.

Stuart Hunter of Hunter Partners Accountants is hosting this seminar that attempts to cover the process of, and issues faced by real estate investors through the process from acquisition to the eventual sale.

In our role as accountants we often come accross areas where clients have made innocent errors that have had a negative impact (sometimes serious) upon their tax and financial affairs through a lack of knowledge. By holding this seminar we are attempting to provide information about many of the traps purchasers of investment properties face so that the attendees do not make these errors going forward. By lifting investors general knowledge we are encouraging them to be aware if they are getting into an area that may have tax and financial consequences, this will enable to call their accountant (if they are not sure what to do) and will then prevent them from making an error that potentially may have serious consequences.

The seminar covers the issues that need to be considered in the period leading up to the initial acquisition of the investment property through to the eventual disposal of the real estate investments. These issues cover how real estate should be held, borrowing considerations and tax issues surrounding the eventual sale or disposal of your investment property.

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